Film Locations of Yorgos Lanthimos film Kinds of Kindness

Exploring the Unique Film Locations of Yorgos Lanthimos’ Kinds of Kindness

Yorgos Lanthimos’ latest film, Kinds of Kindness, is a surreal anthology set in alternate realities, featuring a stellar cast including Jesse Plemons, Emma Stone, and Willem Dafoe. The film’s production design is pivotal in creating its distinctive atmosphere, transforming New Orleans into an unrecognisable metropolis. Production designer Anthony Gasparro, renowned for his work on First Cow, faced the challenge of reimagining New Orleans by venturing into its lesser-known areas, such as uptown, the suburbs, and lakefront locations, to establish an eccentric and enigmatic vibe ideal for the film's complex narratives.

As a leading film locations brokerage in the UK, Silverstein Locations, works with an exclusive portfolio of unique and design led spaces to bring film productions to life. The location work executed on Kinds of Kindness worked seamlessly to paint the picture Yorgos wanted to make, but had SL been involved in the production, we would have had a few creative UK film locations to suggest.

Transforming New Orleans into a Cinematic Wonderland

The challenge was to make New Orleans unrecognisable by avoiding its iconic landmarks, opting instead for lesser-known spots to capture the city’s hidden charm. This creative approach allowed the film to present an eclectic and mysterious backdrop for its bizarre and twisted tales.

New Orleans Lakefront: The Perfect Cult Setting

A crucial location was a secluded lakefront house, which served as the setting for a mysterious cult devoted to water, led by the enigmatic Omi (Dafoe). New Orleans was the only city offering the remote yet visually striking waterside property that the director envisioned. Enhancements included building a cistern over the pool and adding a sauna, elevating the house’s unique garden and kitchen areas, and solidifying the cult’s mystique.

Uptown New Orleans: An Eccentric Suburbia

The film also utilised New Orleans’ uptown and suburban areas, contributing to its aesthetic by creating a setting that felt both familiar and slightly otherworldly. These locations helped establish the film's eerie yet intriguing atmosphere, making New Orleans an ideal choice for this anthology film.

Key Locations in Kinds of Kindness

  1. Raymond’s Manor House

    • In the segment “The Death of R.M.F.,” Raymond’s (Dafoe) home needed to reflect his eccentric and controlling nature. Initially seeking a modernist design, the production opted for a grand manor house with period charm. This historic building featured decorative walls and a sweeping staircase, anchored by a stunning grand piano. Set decorator Amy Silver added unique furnishings and artwork, creating a space befitting the character’s ambitious personality.

Rococo manor house for film locations London at Silverstein Locations

Rococo Manor, a grand manor house located conveniently in North London.

2. Robert’s Peculiar Home

  • Robert’s (Plemons) residence, located on a defunct golf course, boasted a contemporary style with exposed brick and ultra-modern elements. The house’s tiled floors and peculiar aesthetic matched the film's alternate realities. The production team intentionally made the house’s décor slightly off-kilter, using unconventional items like injured sports memorabilia to reinforce the narrative’s surreal nature.

Americana style shoot location in Somerset at Silverstein Locations

Beverly Bristol, a contemporary Americana style shoot location in Somerset.

3. Daniel and Liz’s Woodland Cottage

  • In “R.M.F. Is Flying,” the cottage for Daniel (Plemons) and Liz (Stone) was chosen for its intimate and secluded feel. Nestled in nature, the cottage featured exposed beams and a gravel driveway, complementing the story's unfolding drama. The location’s warm, strange lighting added to the narrative’s tension and intrigue.

Film Location Cottage in Hampshire at Silverstein Locations

Vine Cottage, a rustic country film location in Hampshire.

  1. Omi’s Cult House

    • The remote lakefront structure selected for Omi’s cult was transformed into a captivating setting, complete with a restaurant-style kitchen and military barracks for cult members. The garden, waterside setting, and use of boats emphasised the film’s themes of devotion and resurrection, enhancing the location’s distinctive character.

Country Film Location UK Silverstein Locations

Beaulieu, a 1930s Lutyens-inspired film location in Hampshire.

  1. Edge of New Orleans Motel

    • Finding the right motel for Emily (Stone) and Andrew (Plemons) was challenging, but ultimately, a retro motel on the edge of the city was chosen. Its colourful, Americana-inspired design added a unique flair, perfectly suited to the film’s narrative. The location’s modifications, such as adding a boat on a trailer, enhanced its aesthetic and contributed to the story’s peculiar atmosphere.

Film Location hotel in Dorset Silverstein Locations

Nici Hotel, a film location with swimming pool and beach views in Dorset.

The Art of Location Selection

In Kinds of Kindness, the art of location selection and transformation is crucial in bringing Yorgos Lanthimos’ vision to life. By exploring New Orleans' hidden and lesser-known areas, production designer Anthony Gasparro and his team created a cinematic world that is both familiar and fantastical. This innovative approach to location scouting showcases the power of creative vision in filmmaking, making Kinds of Kindness a masterclass in the art of production design.

For filmmakers and location scouts, Kinds of Kindness serves as an inspiring example of how unique and thoughtfully chosen settings can enhance a film’s narrative and emotional impact. New Orleans, with its eclectic mix of urban and natural environments, proves to be a versatile and captivating backdrop for storytelling.


At Silverstein Locations, we excel in providing top-tier film location brokerage and scouting services, tailored to meet the diverse needs of your production. With our deep industry knowledge and extensive network, we ensure that your creative vision is realised with the perfect backdrop and exclusive action vehicles.

Why Choose Silverstein Locations?

  • Expert Location Scouting: Our experienced team is adept at scouting unique and visually striking locations. Whether you need historic manors, modern urban environments, serene woodland retreats, or quirky retro motels, we have the expertise to find and secure the ideal setting for your project.

  • Exclusive Action Car Offerings: Enhance your production with our exclusive range of action cars, including classic and super cars. Our extensive collection ensures that you have access to high-performance vehicles and iconic classics that add a distinctive edge to your scenes.

  • Flexible and Direct Support: We pride ourselves on our commitment to flexibility and direct communication. Our team offers personalised support throughout the entire process, from initial location scouting to securing agreements and coordinating vehicle rentals. We work closely with you to accommodate your specific needs and adjust to any changes swiftly.

  • Comprehensive Brokerage Services: Our brokerage services cover all aspects of location management, ensuring smooth negotiations and favourable terms. We handle all the details, so you can focus on your creative vision without worrying about logistical challenges.

  • Diverse Portfolio: Our diverse portfolio features a range of settings and vehicles, catering to various genres and styles. Whether you’re producing a period drama, a modern thriller, or an action-packed feature, Silverstein Locations provides the ideal environments and vehicles to bring your story to life.

Discover how Silverstein Locations can elevate your production with our expert location brokerage, exclusive action cars, and dedicated support. Reach out today to find the perfect location and vehicles for your next film, TV show, or commercial.


