The world of film production is continuously evolving, and with it, the strategies for scouting and utilising film locations are becoming more sophisticated. One crucial element that has emerged as a game-changer for film location owners is Behind-The-Scenes (BTS) content. Leveraging BTS for film locations offers numerous benefits, from enhanced visibility to increased bookings. Here’s why BTS is advantageous for promoting your space.

1. Enhanced Visibility and Marketing

BTS content provides an authentic glimpse into the filmmaking process, showcasing the unique features and ambiance of a location. By sharing BTS footage and images on social media, websites, and marketing campaigns, location owners can attract the attention of filmmakers, producers, and audiences. This increased visibility can significantly boost the location’s profile, making it a sought-after destination for future productions.

2. Building Credibility and Trust

When potential clients see BTS content featuring well-known films, TV shows, or commercials shot at a location, it builds credibility and trust. It demonstrates that the location has been chosen and utilised by reputable production companies, making it a reliable and desirable choice. This trust can translate into more enquiries and bookings.

3. Showcasing Versatility

BTS content allows location owners to highlight the versatility of their property. By capturing different scenes and setups, owners can demonstrate how their location can be adapted for various genres and styles of production. This flexibility is a significant selling point for filmmakers looking for dynamic and adaptable spaces.

4. Attracting a Diverse Clientele

The reach of BTS content extends beyond the film industry. It can attract a diverse clientele, including photographers, event planners, and corporate clients, who may be inspired by the creative potential of the location. This broader appeal can open up new revenue streams and opportunities for location owners.

5. Providing Insight into Logistics

BTS content can offer valuable insight into the logistical aspects of filming at a location. By showcasing how a film crew navigates the space, sets up equipment, and utilises different areas, location owners can address potential concerns and questions that future clients might have. This transparency can streamline the decision-making process for production companies.

6. Creating Engaging Content

In today’s digital age, content is king. BTS footage and images provide engaging material that location owners can use to keep their online presence active and interesting. Regularly posting BTS content can help maintain audience interest and engagement, keeping the location top-of-mind for industry professionals.

7. Leveraging Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful marketing tool. When BTS content shows recognisable actors, directors, or production teams working at a location, it serves as a form of endorsement. This social proof can be incredibly persuasive, encouraging other filmmakers to choose the location for their projects.

8. Enhancing the Location’s Story

Every film location has a story, and BTS content adds layers to that narrative. It captures the creative energy and unique moments that occur during production, enriching the location’s history and appeal. This enhanced story can make the location more memorable and attractive to potential clients.

9. NDA Considerations and Etiquette

While BTS content is highly beneficial, it is essential to navigate Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) and industry etiquette properly. Many productions require confidentiality to protect plot details, character developments, and other sensitive information. Location owners should always:

- Obtain Written Permission: Ensure that you have explicit written permission from the production company before sharing any BTS content.

- Understand NDA Terms: Thoroughly understand the terms of any NDA you sign. This includes what can and cannot be shared, and when it can be shared.

- Respect Production Privacy: Avoid capturing and sharing any BTS content that could reveal spoilers or sensitive information.

- Coordinate with the Production Team: Work closely with the production team to ensure that any shared content aligns with their promotional strategy and does not violate any agreements.

Adhering to these considerations ensures that you maintain good relationships with production companies and uphold industry standards.

Incorporating BTS content into the marketing strategy for film locations offers numerous advantages. From boosting visibility and credibility to showcasing versatility and engaging a diverse audience, BTS content is a valuable asset for location owners. By leveraging the power of BTS, film location owners can attract more clients, increase bookings, and ultimately enhance the appeal and success of their properties.

For film location owners looking to maximize their property’s potential, embracing BTS content is a savvy and effective strategy that can lead to long-term benefits and growth in the competitive film industry. By also considering NDA requirements and maintaining professional etiquette, location owners can ensure their relationships with production companies remain strong and beneficial. If you are interested in listing your location with Silverstein Locations for filming opportunities then please do not hesitate to reach out!


