Following the success of Airbnb’s collaboration with the Barbie Dream House in 2023, the company has revealed its new ‘Icons’ feature in its latest update and roll outs. Airbnb's new "Icons" feature offers unique stays in some of pop culture's most iconic locations and this exciting addition allows users to book accommodations that recreate famous settings from movies, music and more, making it possible to immerse oneself in these legendary environments. Guests can expect to stay in the real-life ‘Up’ house from the Pixar movie complete with 8,000 balloons, the X-Men Mansion in New York, Prince’s ‘Purple Rain’ house and the Ferrari Museum in Italy.

Airbnb's "Icons" also features exclusive experiences with celebrities like Kevin Hart, who invites guests to his Coramino Live Lounge for a night of comedy and tequila tasting, and Doja Cat, who will host intimate living-room concerts​. New listings and experiences will be added as the year goes on, so fans are invited to keep their eyes peeled. To secure a place at one of this inspiring locations, guests will need to enter a lottery where 4 000 digital golden tickets will be released to the lucky winners. Entry is mostly free or at the most under $100 USD and accessing the lottery will be guided by a countdown.

At Silverstein Locations, we love all things locations and all things film, which is why we are very excited to see how this initiative takes off. As more and more of our splendid locations secure major TV and filming opportunities, Airbnb has created an interesting space to see how we as a company could put forth some of our homes in the future to offer such movie magic experiences.

One home that springs perfectly to mind, is Live Another Day, inspired by the iconic Bond franchise. This gorgeous modern mansion in Buckinghamshire, just 27 miles outside of London, exudes high end clarity and is perfect for filming opportunities that call for large, clean cut spaces, geometric architecture and that Bond-esque masculinity. This home is not only ideal for film and TV production, but would be a perfect candidate for Airbnb’s Icon feature - where guests could experience a night in a James Bond movie.

Live Another Day will be unoccupied for the months of August - October 2024, making it a great spot for your next shoot. If you are interested in working with this incredible location for your next production then please do not hesitate to reach out. In the meantime, let’s definitely do a watch this space for Airbnb and its icon spaces.


